Sunday, March 14, 2010

Great night out for Mommy & Daddy

To mark his 50th and wife Jennifer's 40th birthdays, Daddy's OClub basketball friend Mike Cerchiai threw the best party ever at San Francisco's famous cabaret nightclub - Bimbo's.  Mommy & Daddy were special guests and were among a select few to close the place at 3am.  Beyond the standard OC hoops teammates & wives, other special guests included Robin Williams and tennis star/coach Brad Gilbert.  A hefty sitter fee and a stumbling sitter-walk-home through the Lower Haight closed out the latest night since kid(s) arrived.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Circle Tree

Bruce and Megan not napping

If it snows and we find a moose ...

Tonight Bruce suggested that, "If it snows and we find a moose - maybe
we can all ride on his horns... but maybe there isn't enough room so
I'll ride on his horns but I'll share with Megan."

Friday, March 5, 2010

Pizza PlayDate Friday Night

Bruce's Rainbow Dolphin classmate Aaron helps Megan & Bruce make pizza
for the grownups.