Monday, August 31, 2009


Well, there is no doubt that Megan has been going through a long mommy attachment phase... something like 24-months or so, and counting. 

Tonight it was never more apparent.  After a longer-than-average bedtime ritual with Megan, Helen had this short little story to tell:

After turning my back (to play dead) to see if she would calm down and go to sleep, Megan said, "I want my stuff!" -- pause -- "I want my arm."

That would be Helen's arm.   :-/


Kelly and Brian said...

I can't stop laughing because I can TOTALLY RELATE! Oh, attachment parenting....when they are 10 and the most independent, nurtured, content kids in the'll look back and love this. Kelly OConnor

Colin said...

You know it Kelly. Hope to see you guys soon. Selah and Megan would hit it off. She looks adorable in the USC outful (cheerleader or volleyball player?)

Kelly and Brian said...

tennis. you can play it longer....and make more money.