Friday, July 31, 2009

Bruce visits his Nova Scotia VIPs

Almost 4 and already an experienced coast-to-coast traveler, Bruce decided it was high time he rolled into Halifax and Chester to hang with his cousins Isabelle and Jack. It was also overdue to pay his good buddies James Wheelock and Sophia Hewitt a visit. He was very gracious in allowing Daddy to come along.

The following pretty much sums up Bruce's 8-day Nova Scotia tour.

--- Slideshow & Videos below

"Is that our ao-plane?" ... "really fast" (takeoff) ... "I want to see Jack and Isabelle NOW" (hr 1) ... "bumpy air" ... "spaceship potties" (that flush by themselves) ... "funny ears" and "chomping" to make it go away

- Bike building and shooting hoops with GranDad
- Flashlights in bed. "Where's Babo?"
- Bruce's incredible heat-seeking foot
- t-shirts, toy cars, LOUIE! and everyone's favorite toy: aluminum foil
- A fun game of "Dodge the projectile toy" at James' house
- Bruce takes dead aim - black eye #1 for Jack
- Taste of hard labor #1: clearing rocks off Wheelocks' "front lawn"
- "Uncle Al can't tickle us"
- Sleepover at James'... Ruby is "too loud"
- A swim at the Waeg... "It gets deeeeeper"
- Great GranDad's "squirrelmunk"
- Pulling weeds with GranDad - "Huge weed!!"
- Rums with GranPat
- "NO, Louie"
- "Look Nana! Sea dragons, a baby one and a mommy one"
- "That popcorn tastes like spitup"
- apx 5,000 rocks hurled into the Atlantic
- Favorite "kids meal": muscles, salmon, broccoli, and "milka" of course
- Homerun teeball
- "NO, Louie"
- LOBSTERS!! "Aaahhh, they're MOVING! Go ahead, touch them Sophia"
- Taste of hard labor #2 - 1-ton o'rock relocated "That's a BIG one"
- Who knew how much fun a garden hose could be?
- Water balloons! Isabelle: "Throw them at the house, not eachother"
- Bruce head-butt - Black eye #2 for Jack ... same eye

"Is that our ao-plane?" ... "really fast" (takeoff) ... "I want Mommy and Megan NOW!" (hr 1) ... "bumpy air" ... "spaceship potties" (that flush by themselves) ... "funny ears" and "chomping" to make it go away. "Family Hug" at SFO